
How To – When Is The Right Time To Start An Apartment Garden?

If you are lucky enough to have some space in your apartment where you can grow a few vegetables or flowers the time to start is in early spring.  Vegetables are normally available in starter packs at your local stores and home centers from March to April and the variety will change as the season progresses.

Since you are starting a garden in your apartment you will need to plan your space and what containers …

How To – Rabbit Fencing For Your Vegetable Garden

If you have rabbits in your area and most suburban and rural areas do have them even if you do not see them all the time then you will need to protect your vegetable garden from these hungry furry monsters.

The interesting part is protecting your garden doesn’t take a lot of work and as you will see a 2 foot high wire fence is enough to keep everyone happy. Rabbits will not normally eat …

How To – Fall Garden Composting Improving Your Soil For Spring

At the end of every growing season vegetable gardeners are faced with a large amount of plant material that needs to be removed. All season these plants have been sucking the nutrients out of your soil to grow the tasty vegetables you have been eating and now they can be recycled to improve not only the nutrients but soil quality for next year.

You should begin the collection of your compost throughout the growing season …

How To – Drying Herbs

Fresh herbs are great year round but growing healthy herbs during winter months can be difficult if your location does not get enough sun. The easiest way to extend your harvest is to dry your harvested herbs and store them in air tight containers.

The simplest method is to hang the herbs in small bunches in a warm dark place until they dry naturally. This could take a few days to a couple weeks …

How To – Harvesting And Drying Basil

Its been a long growing season and if your lucky your Basil plants should be about a foot and a half tall and provided lots of great seasoning all summer long.

If you have a three season room that gets lots of light then you could probably bring your plants indoors if you planted them in containers like we did but you risk the chance of bringing in insects that live in the soil. A …

How To – Growing Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the most popular vegetables for home gardeners. 

Although many people attempt growing broccoli from seed doing so will probably result in poor results for the beginner.

Belonging to the cole family along with cauliflower, brussels sprouts, collards, kale, kohlrabi and, of course, cabbage.

Start your plants early in spring or late summer. They like the bright cooler days  60F – 80F to promote good growth and will resist some colder days in fall.

Soil Quality
Soil should …

How To Using Coldframes and Small Greenhouses To Start Your Garden

In early spring, a coldframe or mini greenhouse is useful starting your plants early or for hardening small plants that were started indoors.

Making a cold frame is relatively easy. If you are lucky you can find a discarded old window on trash day if not you may be able to get one cheap from used construction materials center. If not you make your coldframe from new materials.

First decide how large your Coldframe …

Soil Testing Service – Businesses

Farmers Gardeners and other Developers often need Soil Testing Services performed.

Most State Colleges with Agricultural Programs will test soil for free or at discounted rates to teach and offset the cost of their programs. You should contact your State Department of Agriculture and local College for additional information.

This Directory is not an endorsement of the businesses or the quality of work they perform and should only be used as a starting point for your research.

BBC Laboratories, Inc.
1217 North Stadem …

How To – What You Should Know About Manure

Heh pretty nice name for a HowTo but the fact is there are a lot of people that don’t know the differences between commercial manner and soil additives and what you might pickup at a local horse or other animal farm.

One of the strangest things we constantly see in our local newspaper is advertisements in the Give Away section from horse owners that want to get rid of their Manure.  The bad part about …

Improving your Soil with Peat Moss

Every previous season of growing drains your garden soil of nutrients. Chemical fertilizers will only improve one aspect of good soil conditions. To have healthy soil you need organic materials that will hold water and allow the roots to spread easily while growing.

There are a few different methods of adding organic materials to you garden. The least expensive is mulching. This is where you pile up last seasons leftover plants and rotten …