How To – What You Should Know About Manure

Heh pretty nice name for a HowTo but the fact is there are a lot of people that don’t know the differences between commercial manner and soil additives and what you might pickup at a local horse or other animal farm.

One of the strangest things we constantly see in our local newspaper is advertisements in the Give Away section from horse owners that want to get rid of their Manure.  The bad part about owning or boarding a large number of these animals is that they also produce a lot of waste.

Its not funny they can produce huge amounts so quickly that a moderate suburban horse boarder might find it impossible to keep up with. This is why they try to give it away but it is important that as a small home owner you don’t make use of this product.

Unless Manure is processed correctly you could be introducing some very harmful and also useless material into your garden and you would never want to use it on your vegetables.

Processing Of Animal Waste
Every once in a while they will show this on tv. One of our favorites is Dirty Jobs. When animal waste is processed it takes many months to turn it into a usable topsoil or soil amendment. Treating the product is not rocket science but because bacteria and disease can exist in waste the manure must be heated to 140F to 160F for a long enough time to kill anything that might harm you.

The process of heating is pretty easy they just pile the manure and wait. Sunlight and the breaking down of the product causes internal heating that is measured with a thermometer probe over a number of days. As the pile sits it must be turned to make sure all the outside material is also heated.

Once the heating process is completed it is bagged up in designer bags and sold to wall street elite HA.

Better not to take a chance
YouRepair has to recommend that no matter how great the deal of free manure might sound it is important that you don’t use it.

It is especially important that you do not use chicken waste that has not been processed but any animal waste that has not been processed should be considered what it is POOP and not something you want in your yard.

Rocky might have liked to drink a glass of raw eggs but people that have half a brain are not going to do that today. Sure you may never get sick but if you do you will hate yourself for taking the chance when you never needed  to.

And we have all heard about the problems with raw waste in our spinach farms where hundreds of people endup sick or dead.

So just don’t do it.