How To – Protecting your Car from Pet Spills and Messes

Everyone who has a pet knows that the last thing they want to do after a day at the park is take an hour to clean out the car.

Mistakes happen and it can be from a water bowl being tipped over or maybe something not so pleasant but fortunately there are ways to reduce the mess and its effects on your interior.

Some manufacturers of SUVs have started catering to the Animal Lover by providing spill proof mats for the rear cargo areas. Many of these matts are offered in a thick rubber type material that is easy to remove and clean with a hose.

If your vehicle maker offers this solution it is probably a good start and since car dealers are trying to make sales you may want to ask for this option as a free one. After all if your pet is going to be a regular occupant of your vehicle then you want them to use it without having to add options.

After Market Solutions for Your Car

Makers of Aftermarket products are also pet owners so they know that the things they make are a necessity for others. The aftermarket products that you can add to your vehicle should be easy to install and maintain. They should improve the use of your vehicle while not hurting your budget.

Some aftermarket manufacturers have looked at the solutions that car makers provide on newer vehicles and developed the same type of product for older or different vehicles. Other solutions actually beat what the original car maker provides because a need is there.

Car mats are available for every vehicle and whether you have a pet or not you should use them to protect your carpet.

Replacing your carpet can be expensive and carpet is not only for looks it provides a barrier between the passenger compartment and the steel floor.

Cargo Liners

Cargo Liners usually come in Black but some manufacturers offer a Tan or Beige color to match the interior of your vehicle or provide a color that doesn’t look industrial.

When looking for a Cargo Liner you want to make sure you are purchasing a fitted product that is specific to your year and make of car.

You also want a liner that has a large lip on the edges. The higher the surrounding lip the better and some liners provide a rear bump near the opening of the hatch to reduce slippage when you open the hatch compartment.

The texture of the cargo liner is really up to you but a higher profile bump will allow materials to remain in one place which half the time is a good thing.

Temporary Protection From Spills in Your Car

It is a good idea to keep some temporary protection in your vehicle at all times. Along with a pet there are times that you may want to transport a bunch of plants or garden materials or other items that could damage your interior.

I would suggest that you purchase a roll of 10 mil Painters tarp which comes in either black or transparent. Roll boxes normally come in two or three widths. A short 2 foot wide width is used for baseboard protection while painting your walls this is not what you want. You should look for the 10 foot wide material that normally comes in a 25 yard roll.

The rolls also come with a cutter in the box. It is a safety design and can remain in the box until you need to cut off a sheet of it.

Final Note

If you have animals and a new car or just one that you care about then you need to protect your vehicle from damage.

In addition to car mats or cargo liners you should also think about using a cargo container for your pet.

In addition to reducing the mess which is just part of life.. you will also be protecting them from injury during an accident.