
How To Reduce The Cost Of Raising Your Own Food In Your Garden Or Homestead

The idea of homesteading or home farming has become very popular in the past few years. People that have never experienced farm life and may have been raised in the city are purchasing plots of land, building their own houses and trying to become self sufficient. The question is not only if you can obtain the skills to do these things but is it something that you can do cost effectively.

The old …

How To Drill Your Own Sand Point Shallow Water Well

I was just answering a some questions about wells from a friend that is building their own home and put together some basic information about drilling your own sand point shallow well and I thought I would share.
What is a Sand Point Shallow Well?
The name Sand Point comes from the tip of the pipe that is used at the bottom of the well. It is the first section of pipe and it …

How To Sell Your Home And Property For Subdivision Development

Recently I had a conversation with a young man that was trying to find information for his grandfather that owns a good sized piece of land with his primary home on it. He has lived in the area for over 50 years and many of his neighbors have sold their homes only to have a developer subdivide the property and build additional homes on it. It seems that the older gentleman that …

How To Inspect A Home That Has Been Vacant For A Long Period Of Time

If you are considering buying a home that has been sitting vacant for a long period of time there are some important things that you need to do in addition to a general home inspection. We were contacted recently by a buyer that is purchasing a home that has been sitting for just over 10 years. This is an extremely long time for a home to be vacant because the general maintenance that you …

How To Prepare And Store Your Zucchini Harvest

If you are like most people that garden there is a time in the middle of the summer where you have way too much zucchini to eat on a daily basis. This is probably why most people like to harvest them small so they can eat more of them.

Unfortunately the word on Canning Zucchini is that it is not recommended. Because Summer Squash like zucchini is very low acid the only safe …

How To Start Your Second Harvest Plants In Mid Summer

If you are lucky enough to have a relatively long growing season you might have enough time to grow two or three different crops of vegetables in your garden if you plan correctly.

Most of your cool weather plants will do well in both spring and fall but where spring is the start of the growing season and the temperatures are increasing as the plants grow larger the fall is the opposite and …

How To Apply The Best Aspects Of Prepping To Your Life

Many people become interested in the Prepping Lifestyle when there are events or natural disasters that make them question the stability of the systems around them. In the recent past you might have experienced situations such as Natural Disasters, Domestic Terrorism, Food Shortages or many other things that are reported in the News. The first thing to remember is that the News lives for these events and they will push and foster …

How To Buy The Correct Generator For Your Home Or Camping

There are many reasons to get a generator for your home or camping and there are a large variety of types so it can get a bit confusing when you’re trying to make your purchase.

The first thing is what is your need.Your need can be found by adding up the power requirements of all of the things that you need to run simultaneously and then matching that to the normal running output of the …

How To Store Food Long Term Without Refrigeration

Whether you have a small garden or a farm or maybe you live in a city or suburb there are advantages to building a pantry of foods that can last a long time without refrigeration. The fact that the food is stored without refrigeration is important because you don’t want to be worrying about a large amount of food if your power goes out.

The easiest way to begin building your pantry is by purchasing …

How To Improve Your Soil By Planting Clover

For most people clover is a problem plant that they want to eradicate from their lawn. Because Clover can grow in poor soil conditions it can quickly take over a lawn that is depleted of Nitrogen. It is also an indicator plant that tells the farmer or landscaper that your soil is depleted. If clover is beginning to take over your lawn then a general purpose weed and feed with a relatively high …