How To Keep Your Home Cooler During Summer’s Hottest Days

Every year we experience a short period of time that weather forecasters say is a heatwave. For many of us this is when daytime temperatures get above 95F and nighttime temperatures do not fall to give relief from the heat of the day.

The first suggestion I have is that you need to adjust your expectations. If it is 105F with 90%+ Humidity outside and the surface of your roof is over 170F which can easily happen during a heatwave then you can’t expect every room in your house to be 72F it is just not going to happen.

Systems are designed for normal conditions. When the conditions outside are well outside of normal then you need to adjust your expectations. You have to realize that the hottest days in the summer are just like the coldest days of the winter. Realize that you have to wear that sweat shirt in the winter because its really cold outside then you also have to dress lightly in the summer when its really hot.

HVAC System Maintenance Should Happen Before There Is A Problem

Most systems that have been in operation a few years are not running at their peak performance. This can be for many reasons so here is a list to get you started.

Furnace Filters should be clean and changed a few times during the cooling months. Even a small amount of buildup can block a large percentage of your air flow. Since constantly moving and processing the air in your home is important for effective cooling the Furnace Filter should be changed regularly. Most filters are only rated for 30 to 60 days. Filters with high MERV Numbers that are used to block dust and pollen will also reduce the effectiveness of your HVAC. I suggest a MERV Rating of 4 for most homes.

AC Evaporator Coils can also get filled with dust throughout the year. Dust will get past your filters so it is important that if you see frost buildup on the AC Evaporator housing that is mounted after your Furnace Unit that you have it inspected for dust buildup. Under extreme load the Evaporator might freeze up so you can try turning your AC off to defrost it and it should begin to operate again but if it continuously freezes up you might need a coil cleaning which should be done by a professional.

Outside Condenser Coil Units should be free from obstruction. If you are like most people you have probably planted bushes and flowers around your condenser coil to hide it. Unfortunately this probably is losing you a lot of efficiency and reducing its load rating because those units expel a lot of heat and they need to be free to flow air across the freon to cool it as it is being compressed and sent back into your home to cool your house. Give your unit at least 5 feet in every direction to breath.

Insulation and Air Leaks are a problem for both cooling and heating. I have read reports where air leaks are often worse than not enough insulation but both need to be addressed for proper efficiency. Depending on where you live there will be a suggested amount of insulation for attics and sidewalls. Normally a rating of about 15 in your walls and 60 in your attic is a good starting place. Any leaks you have around doors, windows, outlets, baseboards or other things in your home must be sealed. Don’t worry about making your home too tight because there is little chance of this in average home construction.

Final Note

There are so many variables that effect the cooling and heating of homes. The condition of your AC Unit is a big factor. You want to make sure that it is working at top performance because anything less may not be enough under heavy loads.

Adjust your mentality about cooling your home. I recently had a home owner asking me dozens of questions about why their system isn’t working during a heatwave and why it can’t keep their upstairs cool when their downstairs is fine.

After going through all the possibilities they then said that they wanted to keep the upstairs at 74F during the day and during a heatwave. That is when I stopped answering their questions. You have to have a reasonable expectation from your system. If you are like this person you are asking more than your average system can deliver. Just go downstairs or into your basement during the worst days to cool off or get outside and enjoy the summer. After being outside in 100F with 90% humidity for half the day when you come back inside and its 80F you will feel like you are sitting in a freezer.

Dress lightly, remove your shoes and relax or take a cold shower. Its a heatwave you aren’t suppose to be 100% comfortable but just consider there are a lot of people that don’t have AC Units in their homes and you should be fine.

On the other hand if you are sick or compromised or in the case of the elderly you want to make sure that cooling is taken care of. Take your body temperature to make sure you are not overheating and if you feel queazy or dizzy or overly tired then seek help or call 911.