How To Remove A Tree From Your Property And Contractor Costs

Whether you are building a new home or managing an established property there are times when trees need to be removed because they are a danger to the home or the people that live in them. The most common situation is when an older tree dies because of infestation or blight. Normally this takes a long time to happen and you will notice things like the tree loosing leaves much earlier than others of its type in the fall or you might have dead branches that fall throughout the year. Sometimes a tree can appear to be healthy but closer investigation might show that it is rotting from within. Other problems are immediate such as damage from winds or lightning strikes.

Whatever the situation that brings you to this point the only proper way of dealing with this is to remove the tree before it causes damage to property or people. Even if you have a very large property and there is a standing dead tree a distance from any structure it can still be a danger to let it stand and fall on its own.

How Large Is Too Large Of A Tree To Cut Down On Your Own?

Even if you have experience working with large trees because you harvest them for firewood there comes a point where a tree is too large for you to handle on your own. If felling the tree would cause damage to other healthy trees that you want to keep or if it is too close to structures to take down easily then an arborist is your best bet.

Most home owners will be able to take down a tree at ground level but when it comes to climbing a tree and cutting off branches and harnessing them so they fall correctly to the ground it is really beyond the average home owner. The amount of sway that occurs when a heavy branch is cut from a tree in addition to the proper equipment needed to harness yourself into the tree safely is not something any home owner should be involved in. It takes many years and proper training to do this correctly.

However if you do have the right amount of open space for the tree to fall then even a relatively large tree can be dropped by someone with decent experience. The correct distance would be at least twice the height of the tree to any structure and additional consideration must be taken if the tree you are felling is going to hit other trees as it drops.

If the tree you are cutting down injures another tree then that tree will also need to be removed.

If an arborist was to fell a tree by removing branches and taking down the trunk in sections then the trees around the dead tree have a much higher chance of surviving without injury or damage.

So there are many considerations including your personal safety that must be taken into account when you are dropping a tree in one shot. Even a smaller tree can be sufficiently dangerous that hiring an arborist or contractor to take down the tree is your best bet.

What does it cost to have an Arborist remove a Tree?

The cost for removing a tree has many factors but it is easier to understand the cost difference based on the amount of time, equipment and effort it takes to remove the tree.

In a city or where homes are of close proximity and the tree is large there will be many concerns over utility lines and possible damage to structures. There will likely be situations that require permits to remove the tree and possibly to stop traffic on a street if necessary. They might also need assistance from the power company to shut down power in the area during the removal.

The use of Cranes in removing trees has become pretty common now. This can be an additional expense for the arborist and it will be included in your quote.

Location will be the biggest factor when calculating the cost of removal. The same size tree being removed in a very simple location vs one that might be hanging over a home or utilities or in close proximity of structures can vary the cost 25% to 50%.

For trees under 50 feet you can expect to pay from $500 to $1,000 for trees that are 50 feet to 100 feet in height you can pay up to $2,500 in some cases. Your prices will vary depending on your location and contractor.

In addition to the felling of the tree you will have an added expense for removing the stump. You can expect to pay on average about $100 for this service but for much larger trees it can be more.

Final Note

There are many factors that can add up to the cost of removing a tree on your property. Most of the costs are related to how easy it is to remove the tree and not cause damage to surrounding structures and infrastructure like power lines.

Some ways that you might be able to save money would be if you can process the wood after the tree is dropped. If you have a wood burring stove or fireplace then you can use most of the wood if it is the right type and decent quality. This will reduce the time and expense for your arborist. You can also use the chips if they are clean for mulch and that can also reduce the dumping expense. This is a conversation you should have with your contractor when they are bidding on the cost.

If your tree is leaning on electrical wires then you might be able to have the electric company remove the tree for free. Most Cities also have programs for trees that are infringing on roadways, streets or public areas and they might be able to remove the tree for free.

Additionally if you can have an open schedule for the removal it might reduce your costs. Obviously any emergency removal will come at a premium and that also means when there are storms in your area many of the arborists are working hard on cleanup. If you can allow them a open window to remove the tree then it might reduce your cost.

If you are having many trees removed from your property then there should be some discount because it will be reduced setup for the contractor.

Not every tree requires an arborist to remove but if you are in any doubt you should contact one for advise.