Cleaning & Restoration

How To – Cleaning Refrigerator Coils

Once a year or more depending on the dust that builds up in your kitchen you should clean the evaporator coils on your refrigerator.

Evaporator coils are part of your cooling system. When your refrigerator freon compressor squeezes the coolant to send it into your refrigerator compartment for cooling the coils let off the heat.

The more dust that builds up on the coils the harder it is for your refrigerator to work.

The job is relatively easy to do an only takes a few minutes to perform.

How To – Getting Rid Of Pet Urine Odors

One of the worst things you can deal with is pet odors and stains.

How often have you woke up to that unpleasant chore of cleaning up after your pet and still for some reason we keep on letting them stay in our homes… heh

Its a problem that all pet owners have to deal with urine odors.

Pet handlers will tell you that your animals urinate in your home for three reasons: They can’t get out …

How To – Silver Polishes

Owning Silver items means you need to care for them often to restore and maintain their natural finish. Oxidation can cause tarnish and foods such as coffee can cause stains so what is the best way to care for your silverware and other household items?

Here we will cover a few different products that can make your job easier.

The first thing you should do is use a mild detergent …

How To – Fall Home Inspection Checkup

Every Fall you should inspect your home and repair any problems that you will really hate taking care of once it gets cold out. Even if nothing is wrong there may be some things that you can upgrade, clean or just take care of to make to make your life a little easier.

We will go over some of the things that you can do and suggest when you should …

HowTo Deal with Mold in your Home

Mold is one of the more common problems in homes today but actually people are routinely exposed to more than 200 species of fungi every day.

The terms “mold” and “mildew” are nontechnical names commonly used to refer to any fungus that is growing in our home. Mold colonies may appear cottony, velvety, granular, or leathery, and may be white, gray, black, brown, yellow, greenish, or other colors.

Many molds or fungi reproduce by dispersion of …

Disinfecting Refrigerators and Countertops

Regular cleaning of your counter tops, cutting boards and refrigerator is necessary to reduce dangerous bacteria buildup in your kitchen. Bacteria can often be unseen and odorless so just because the surface looks visibly clean of dirt does not mean it is safe.

To disinfect kitchen surfaces we need to use a bleach solution.

Prepare the solution by adding 1 cup of household bleach to a gallon of water and then …

Cleaning and Polishing Aluminum

Aluminum is one of the most common metals found in our homes. It is in our kitchen pots and pans it is also used in our cars for wheels and window frames and door jams. Other uses of aluminum include paint pigments, electrical wires and components, castings for camera bodies, siding for home exteriors, car engines, and any place where light and durable metal parts are needed.

Aluminum does not rust like Iron or Steel but it does oxidize and discolor.

It can …

Removing Stains from Carpet or Furniture

It dosen’t matter how careful everyone tries to be… the fact is there will always be accidents but a few simple tricks should let you keep your sanity.

The most important thing is catching the stain as soon as you can.

1) Blot the area with a dry towel as soon as you can to remove the largest volume of the spill. 

2) Once you have removed as much of the wine or other liquid …