DoubleCad 2D Drafting For Free

Having to generate technical drawings from time to time it has been nice to have access to products that can get the job done right and do it without costing a lot.

Well Imsi just released DoubleCad a 2D drafting product that is suppose to exceed the features found in AutoCad LT.

There are 2 versions of DoubelCad… the free version and the pro but for light use most users can get away with the free version.

So, what are you missing if you get the free version?

Double Parallel Lines
Double Perpendicular Lines
Multi Lines
Multi Lines Parallel
Revision Cloud
Chain Pollyline

Other then those basic tools you also lose some helper features used mostly by architects to draw roofs, walls, doors and other things.

You also lose some dimensional drawing constraint tools.

All in all if you are generating some simple plans for a Deck, Shed or a layout of your furniture or office then you will have everything you need. If you are working as an Architect’s Drafter then you can also get by if you delegate most of the basic drawing tasks to this package and final prep that can be completed either in the pro version or another drafting application.

Dwg DXF and a few other standard file formats are available for import and export in the free version however standard output of PDF often used for printing at service bureaus for larger format output is only available in the Pro Version.

For that reason you will probably need another tool if you are printing large output documents.

For more information and a free download which requires registration visit.