Green Building

Portland Oregon Giving You $50 To Plant A Tree

Can one tree make a difference?

Well to find out it won’t cost you anything if you live in Portland, Oregon.

Every tree planted in Portland contributes to cleaner rivers and streams. So, if you plant a tree on your residential property, you can receive a rebate of up to $50 for native trees.

Receive a credit on your utility bill (50% of purchase price up to $40, up to $50 if the tree is a Willamette Valley native)

Rebates …

How To – Manage Your Property In Fire Zone Areas To Reduce Danger matter where you live fires that start outside of your home can effect your home. If you live in the country you could have a brush or field fire. If you live near a park or wooded area a forest fire could cause you problems. If you live in the city homes around yours could catch on fire and spread to your home.

There are a number of locations around the country that see …

Google Is Mowing Their Grass With Goats

In an effort to reduce their use of gasoline to mow the fields around their buildings google has decided to bring in a herd of 200 goats every few weeks and let them eat the grass.

Unfortunately the cost is close to the same, something that could be done away with if they reduced the number of goats and made them permanent employees but the idea is simple.

Many Internet tech companies are at the leading …

Things You Can Do For Earth Day That Will Also Save You Money

YouRepair has been reading a lot of info about Earth Day and much of it is removed from our own families and homes. Many of the ideas are great and if you have the resources and time to do it then you will be helping but others are pretty useless.

So far we have seen suggestions of adopting turtles or other wildlife (this is fine but how much really ends up helping them). We have …

Tumbleweed House Company – Selling Homes Smaller Then An Average Shed

A few years ago we took notice of prefabricated home builders and one of the strangest has to be Tumbleweed Tiny House Company.

Tumbleweed sells shed sized homes most only offering about 300 square feet of space. You do the math thats 18×18 feet square.  Just a little larger then a large garden shed and smaller then the average garage.

The Idea behind the company was to build homes with as little impact on the environment …

New Tax Incentives For Metal Roofing

The Federal Stimulus Package of 2009 has included better incentives for moving to metal roofing. The total cost of retrofitting or building a home with a metal roof is not covered but with better incentives and rebates the cost of replacing your existing roof with a metal roof can help push people in that direction.

Choosing a metal roof has many benefits.

Resistance to fire in areas where wild fires cause damage is a serious consideration. Many counties in California have …

How To – Finding Energy Star Rebate Programs


The Federal Government works with product manufacturers and distributors to provide discounts on products used in our businesses and homes that reduce energy consumption.

Often the rebate information is listed on the product in the store when you purchase it but more often then not rebates never make it to the consumer.

You also have situations where a retailer might push a non-rebate product over a rebated product because they make more on …

How To – Bamboo Flooring A Green Alternative

Bamboo flooring has made its way into design centers and is quickly being seen as a lower cost and green alternative to traditional hardwood floors.

Because bamboo grows very quickly smaller amounts of land can be used to harvest larger amounts of material. Bamboo can grow to harvest size in just 5 years while traditional hardwoods like Oak might take 50 to 100 years or more.

There are a variety of treatments including carbonizing and  staining …

Alternative Energy Power Station Opens In Antarctica

The first Alternative Energy Power Station opened this week at Princess Elisabeth station in East Antarctica proving the point that you don’t need to be in the desert to generate power from Solar or on a Scottish Coast to capture wind power.

“If we can build such a station in Antarctica we can do that elsewhere in our society. We have the capacity, the technology, the knowledge to change our world,” Alain Hubert, the …

How To – Corn and Pellet Stoves

Wood Burning for Heating is the Number One Alternative Energy Resource in the USA. It far outweighs any other fuel source with over 60% of the market. Solar, wind, geothermal are all less then 5% of the alternative energy market so when you look at fireplaces and wood burning you should remember they are green resources of renewable energy.

Today you can still purchase wood burning stoves that look …