Painting a Room

Interior home finishes have come a long way and there are many choices to make when you are renovating a room in your home. Paint color is one of the most important aspects to interior design because it adds or takes away from the rest of the items (furniture, carpet fixtures) you may have.

Here we will cover the mechanics of repainting or painting new construction. For the most part every home will come with a basic flat white finish on the walls and ceilings and a semi-gloss finish on the moldings and interior doors.

If your room has dark or bright colors such as greens and reds you should really prime your walls before applying a top coat. A dark red wall that has a light yellow or white top coat applied without a primer will often have a pink or orange hue the same is true for any heavy dark color.

Unless you have studied interior design you should take time maybe a couple weeks to decide what colors will best match both your personality and your home. You should also base your decision on resale values. Although a high gloss black or bright orange room may meet your personal needs there are few times that a buyer will have your same tastes. Painting is both an investment in time and money so having to completely repaint your home at resale time may not be something you are willing to do.

We will cover color choices in other howtos but for now letsĀ get back to painting.

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